Since 2005 we have focused helping persons examine practically their own household economics. Our approach is predicated on the conviction that our current lifeways in the capitalist economic system are unsustainable, that we must make changes, and that the most enduring changes are ones we make incrementally and deliberately. In 2007 we published Sabbath Economics: Household Practices, which draws on 12-step recovery traditions on one hand, and “lifestyle-audit” work on the other. Our household practices most intimately and concretely express our actual (vs. professed or idealized) economic and spiritual values. This focus is not intended to be a substitute for engaging wider structural and political aspects of economic and social justice, but as an important complement to organizing, education and advocacy. “Household Covenant” work, while not by itself sufficient for creating a world that conforms more deeply to God’s dream, is necessary for the long haul of discipleship.  

We have recently updated the Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics in PDF format and it is available for just US$5.00. Email us to purchase a copy.

We have distributed thousands of copies of our two booklets, which have been used in academic settings, denominational adult education and popular study groups. 

We also developed a 6-part DVD series on Sabbath Economics and Community Investing. These are now available on BCM's YouTube(TM) channel here with a Facilitator's Guide here). 

To learn more about our Sevenfold Household Sabbath Economics Covenant, and resources we have developed for this work, go here (PDF 586KB).

For information about practitioners around the country, go to