We travel around North America and abroad as educators and organizers, moving among a wide cross-section of faith-based organizations, communities and congregations, teaching, listening, challenging, encouraging and networking. "Theological animation" is a holistic pedagogy seeking to integrate disciplines of popular education, evangelism, political organizing, pastoring and theological reflection.
At the center of this approach is the practice of relectura: a "rereading" of the Bible in light of concrete struggles against violence and oppression past and present. The Judeo-Christian tradition of sacred story is older, deeper and wiser than we are, and we believe it has the power to transform our lives and our history—but only if we can overcome its domestication under the dominant culture of empire. Our churches – conservative and liberal alike – are often inhospitable to the gospel’s invitation to the cross, to solidarity with the least, and to Sabbath Economics. Our task is thus to rebuild a literacy in which Word and world are brought to bear on each other at every turn.
(At left, the cover of Ched's "Say to This Mountain" featuring a print by his mother, Charlotte Myers.)